  • 买131800的技巧

  • 主演: 付曼  西恩.潘  弗朗索瓦·特吕弗 
  • 状态:更新至54期
  • 导演:罗媛元
  • 类型:动漫
  • 买131800的技巧简介:One of the abilities of the Life and Death Flame is to absorb fetal light and enhance strength. This is generally used by the King of Hell on those who have done many evil things but have a long lifespan, taking away their fetal light, allowing them to die naturally, and then send them to the underworld.


One of the abilities of the Life and Death Flame is to absorb fetal light and enhance strength. This is generally used by the King of Hell on those who have done many evil things but have a long lifespan, taking away their fetal light, allowing them to die naturally, and then send them to the underworld.
